
Jeremie and Damaris Dodeler

We are glad you have made it to our website. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to introduce ourselves and tell you about what the Lord has been doing in France.

France is our home country as both my wife and I were born and raised there. Our parents have served as missionaries here for over 50 years.

As for us, we have been laboring on the mission field of France since 2010. Our main ministry has been to implement a body of believers in the northern city of Amiens, but also to serve in various areas of ministry across the country.

These opportunities range from teaching at a seminary, to replacement preaching for churches without a pastor, some translation work of teaching material, distributing Bibles to people in France through our outreach website and helping in youth ministries such as camps.

Please make sure to visit our ministry presentation page containing more information about our philosophy of ministry, our goals and a video about our labor in France.

We also invite you to sign-up to receive our quarterly prayer letters which give an update about the ministry as well as important prayer requests.

Our family

We have been married since 2003 and God has blessed us with three wonderful boys.

Adam is 16.  He started 10th grade in a special international program his High School in Amiens He is in the American section, which means he is studying American history, geography and culture and that most of his courses are taught in English. He is very excited about this opportunity to learn more about his native country.

Abel is 11 and is in 4th grade. He loves school, enjoys playing outside and running as fast as he can. He started to learn how to play the trumpet in 2021 and has done much progress. He also took upon himself to learn how to play the ukulele by watching youtube videos. This summer he enjoyed accompanying the music at camp and plays at church during our midweek service.

Anthony is 7. He’s in Kindergarten and also loves school. He is our silly goose who makes everyone laugh.

Our Family

From left to right: Top - Jeremie, Damaris, Adam; Bottom: Anthony & Abel

More About Us

Our Ministry

Find out more about the ministry in France and our goals through a video presentation and other informative documents.


Our Beliefs

In our Doctrinal Statement, you will find important information concerning what we believe and where we stand.


Our Testimonies

Find out how the Lord led two MKs born and raised in France to serve Him there.


Prayer Letters