Our Ministry

Ministry Overview

Video Presentation

When we came to France in 2010, our ministry was threefold:

  • Reaching the people with the Gospel and Teaching them God’s Word
  • Encouraging the Christian youth through Camp Ministries
  • Training believers for the ministry

Of course all this could only be done by God’s grace and through a solid team work!

The Lord led us to help Carey and Susan Abbett in their evangelistic efforts in the city of Amiens.

Secondly I have served at the IBBL in Limay, with Bernard & Bernice Dodeler, along with other missionaries and french pastors, training not only the nationals for the ministry, but also brethren from other french speaking countries.

Finally we’ve been working to encourage the youth and families to fully live their faith in this dark world, through the ministry of Camp Rainbow, in Larodde, associating with Tim & Elisabeth Knickerbocker and other french pastors.

Our work in France includes, but is not limited to:

  • Outreach (local and national through our website labiblealaporteedetous.org)
  • Bible shipping across France – find out how you can help this project
  • Teaching – up until 2022, Jeremie served as a professor at the IBBL, a seminary near Paris that is now closed – courses included Church Administration, Biblical Counselling, New Testament
  • Youth ministries – at church and at camps – find out how you can help Camp Rainbow
  • Ladies and Men’s ministries – at church and at camps
  • Replacement preaching

Areas of Ministry

Church Planting

Find out more about the ministry at Bible Baptist Church of Amiens.


Training Nationals

Following the instructions found in 2 Timothy 2:2, the IBBL has trained servants for the ministry in France and in other french speaking countries since 1969.


Camp Ministries

Find out more about how we are reaching out the youth through camp ministries in France.


Philosophy of Ministry

Not only striving to glorify God is the foundation for our philosophy of ministry, but it also guides all aspects of our lives. As missionary kids growing up in France, this is the example that was set before us by our respective parents. To this day, their influence continues to impact our lives and our service for the Lord.

Top – left to right: Bernard Dodeler, Jeremie, Tim Knickerbocker – Bottom – left to right: Bernice Dodeler, Damaris, Elisabeth Knickerbocker

Striving to glorify God not only is the foundation for ministry, but for all aspects of our lives. As missionary kids growing up in France, this is the example that was set before us by our respective parents. To this day, their influence continues to impact our lives and our service for the Lord.

Then as Christians, our goal is to “make known His deeds among the people” wherever we are. Throughout the years, the Lord has led us to cross the path of so many people who didn’t have any knowledge whatsoever of who Christ is and what He has done for humanity. Sharing the Gospel, one way or another, is an essential part our ministry here in France. Whether it be through conversations, by giving out tracts, by shipping out Bibles requested through our website, or by the preaching and teaching of God’s Word at church, at camps or youth activities, the Gospel is shared.

I must however underline that this is not the only aspect of our service in France. Bringing people to the saving knowledge of Christ is only but the first step. Following our Lord’s command stated in Matthew 28:19-20, we also have an active part in teaching the believers to live accordingly to their new life and to the Scriptures, starting with baptism and encouraging them to pursue spiritual maturity in the same loving and gracious way our Lord showed us.

In theory, a missionary’s final part in a church plant is to help the body of believers to find a suitable pastor and then go on to another area of the country to reproduce the same process. However, the spiritual reality of France makes that quite difficult. Most missionaries in France spend an average of 20+ years trying to achieve this goal. We realize that our ministry in Amiens may take many more years, but we also keep our hearts open to God’s will wherever He wants us to go, as we strive to be found faithful.

1 Corinthians 4.2 – Moreover it is required in stewards, that a man be found faithful.