2nd Quarter 2024 – Prayer Letter


April-June 2024

Dear praying friends and family,

We praise God for a blessed Resurrection Sunday in March, which included 7 visitors. We were 23 altogether. Several believers participated with special songs, while Brother Abbett preached a powerful sermon about the week before the crucifixion. Please pray for the salvation of H****e, M***e, her aunt and her cousin, her niece C**a, M***s and V** **h who then heard a clear Gospel presentation.

We continue to ship out Bibles in various regions of France on a weekly basis and are thankful for several believers at our church who have helped in giving out tracts. Susan Abbett has prepared a special display for our front window with an Olympian theme. On July 4th, the flame will go through Amiens, so we’ve ordered some special French/English tracts for the event. We will give them out in the streets near our church building, as the final gathering will be just a block away. Please pray that this effort will bring forth many fruits. We’ve also installed a tract dispenser outside by the doorstep. What a blessing it is to see, now and then, people stopping by to grab one while I’m preaching.

The youth Bible Discovery Club and teens group have now come to a pause as the summer is slowly setting in. We’re thankful for God’s work through these ministries and for the faithfulness of the children and teenagers throughout the year. Sadly, our end-of-the-year barbecue had to be canceled because of bad weather. It has, however, been rescheduled for the end of August. The teens concluded the season with an outing to the bowling alley, which they much enjoyed, though it was a bit sad as two of them were leaving for college this year.

We’ve already had to say goodbye to some of our college students who have completed their studies. H****h and E*******a have already left Amiens. R*****a and A**e will eventually leave in the fall to pursue their studies elsewhere. Though we are sad to see them leave, we rejoice for the part God has granted us to have in their lives. Pray with us that they would continue to walk with the Lord and find a faithful church to join. E***y, the M****i family, D***d, and G*****y have been faithfully coming on Sundays. N***a, A**e, and R*****a attend regularly. S*******n continues to come on Tuesday nights for our Bible studies. He’s slowly opening up and has been asking for prayers.

Thank you for your prayers concerning M****l, who is doing much better, though the issue with his back is not entirely resolved. We rejoiced with N***a as a caretaking facility has permanently welcomed her severely autistic brother, I**n.

I’ve begun a series titled “Why I Believe” for our mid-week services, with the hope of helping some come to Christ and for others to be strengthened in their faith. Please pray for these Bible studies to have a meaningful impact in the lives of believers and unbelievers.

In our last letter, we shared how thankful we were to God for providing us with a secondhand vehicle. This was an even greater blessing as our 70,000-mile minivan had to have its engine replaced because of oil over-consumption. These engines are clearly flawed, and the manufacturer is facing a major lawsuit. We then filed a claim with the manufacturer and prayed to have the replacement done at no cost but, more importantly, before camp. Praise be to God! Not only was the car repaired this last month, but it was completely free!

We are just two weeks away from the July Camp session (13-27), which we will attend this year. As always, Damaris will teach the children, and I will teach the teenagers. We are looking forward to serving the Lord and helping the youth in their spiritual lives. Please pray for the children and teens to let the Holy Spirit touch their hearts and convince them of their need of salvation and surrendering their lives to Christ.

We thank you for your love, your kindness and your help manifested through your precious prayers and through your faithful financial support.

In His service and in yours,

Jeremie, Damaris, Adam, Abel & Anthony