For the purpose of our ministry in Amiens, France, we created a website ( presenting the Bible to the French people and offering them to freely receive a Bible and some Christian literature. This was initially set up as an evangelistic tool for our area of France.
However, at the beginning of 2019, requests suddenly picked up, and we have shipped over 50 Bibles to people across the country. Some of them also requested a pastoral visit, and we were able to put them in contact with a pastor in their area. We thank God for the given opportunity of sharing His Word, but also to help other ministries as well.
We then set up a fundraiser to purchase 1000 Bibles which was quickly reached thanks to generous benefactors. Though this goal was reached, you can still contribute to it. Since 2020 we have shipped close to 800 Bibles across the country. Whether it be to help us acquire more Bibles or to help the shipping costs, you may send your gifts to our Mission Board:
Baptist World Mission
PO Box 2149
Decatur, AL 35602
Please make your check to Baptist World Mission, and put the project name “Jeremie Dodeler – 1000 Bibles Project” in the memo line of your check.