“See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, Redeeming the time, because the days are evil. Wherefore be ye not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is” (Ephesians 5:15-17).
January-March 2022
Dear praying friends and family,
Certainly, as we see the works of darkness propagating with such ease and as we observe bleak events taking place in the world, Paul’s heed to the Christians of Ephesus powerfully resounds in our hearts. After urging the children of light to follow our Lord’s example of love, purity, holiness, goodness, justice and truth, and exhorting the believers to demonstrate a clear separation from darkness, the apostle brings these words to their logical conclusion: be careful, be wise, be diligent and be attentive to God’s will.
Thus, let our light so shine before men, that they may see our good works, and glorify our Father which is in heaven!
Sometimes we focus so much on redeeming the time that we forget to seek God’s will. We make plans believing that they are the right ones at right the time. But then, God shows us differently.
In January, R****n and A****e shared with us their desire to be baptized as soon as possible. Our son Adam then asked if he could also be baptized at the same time. After hitting a few bumps on the road, a date was finally set for February 13th and preparations went on. We invited several contacts, Grandpa and Grandma Dodeler also made plans to be with us on that Sunday just before their departure for the United States on the 17th. We were of course all rejoicing and looking forward to celebrating together the
However, the week prior to the baptisms, our family was hit with Covid… Damaris, Abel and Anthony tested positive while Adam and I were negative. We prayed and hoped to be spared, but on Thursday, we both tested positive. We sadly had to accept the fact that not only Adam and I would miss R****n and A****e’s baptisms, but also that Grandpa and Grandma Dodeler would miss Adam’s.
The plan went on for the young couple and they were baptized on the 13th by brother Abbett. Yet, we still had to figure out when we would have Adam’s baptism. It was suggested that he could wait a month and half for Grandpa and Grandma Dodeler to return from their trip so they could attend. But Adam was determined to be baptized as quickly as possible, therefore, plans were made for the baptism to take place on the 20th right once our period of confinement would be over.

We were happy that Grandma Knickerbocker, along with Aunt Sephora and Uncle Andrew were able to make a special trip for the weekend to attend the ceremony and to be an encouragement to Adam. On Sunday the 20th, I had the joy of baptizing Adam. As the Apostle John wrote I can also say that I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth!
Like most people, we could easily blame Covid for ruining our plans, for making us postpone several church activities, Bible Clubs, baptisms, or other important life events. But, while we are to redeem the time, we must also remember that God’s plan and timing are always perfect.
What really struck me in all three of the candidates for baptism, is that they all displayed what Paul urges us to do: redeem the time. Their eagerness to be obedient through baptism and not to postpone it any longer really touched me and reminded me of what is important: Their light is shining! God is glorified!
We thank you for your love, your kindness and your help manifested through prayers and through financial support.
In His service and in yours,
Jeremie, Damaris, Adam, Abel and Anthony